Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mission Coordination Committee

Items on our docket:
  • 08-01: On Clarifying The Practice Of Our Theology Of Call For Those Serving General Assembly Entities
  • 08-02: On Creating a Commission to Study the Personnel Policies Now Operative as They Affect Members of the National Staff of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
  • 08-03: On Adding a Representative from the Presbyterian Men, with Voice and Vote, to the General Assembly Council
  • 08-04: On Limiting Staff Participation in Elected Bodies
  • 08-05: On Directing the General Assembly Council (GAC) to Bring Its Policies for Termination into Conformity with the Form of Government
  • 08-06: On Funding the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Diseases of Poverty
  • 08-07: A Recommendation to Study the Status of Women in the PC(USA)
  • 08-08 Rec 1-4: A Vision for Governance: Understanding the Proposed Structure for the General Assembly Council
  • 08-09: Changes to the General Assembly Manual of Operations
  • 08-10: On the Elimination of Administration Costs on Restricted Mission Gifts
  • 08-11: Report and Recommendations “Creating a Climate for Change within the PC(USA).”
  • 08-12: Joint Resolution Regarding the Women of Color Consultation Report—From the Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns and the Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns.
  • 08-13 Rec A1-3, B1-2, C1: Mission Budget Recommendations
  • 08-14: Amend Organization for Mission Re GA Officers and Committees of the OGA—From the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly and the General Assembly Council.
  • 08-15: On Confirming the Election of Linda Bryant Valentine as GAC Executive Director.
  • 08-16: On Granting Latitude to the GANC with Regard to the Composition of GAC.
  • 08-Info-AA/EEO: Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Report of Progress.
  • 08-Info-ACREC: Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns Agency Summary (217th GA 2006)
  • 08-Info-Manual: Report of the General Assembly Council Regarding Changes to the Appendixes of the General Assembly Council Manual of Operations
  • 08-Info-PCCMP: Presbyterian Council for Chaplains and Military Personnel¾From the National Ministries Division.
  • 08-Info-Task Forces: Report of the General Assembly Council on Current Task Forces, Work Groups, and Ad Hoc Committees—From the General Assembly Council.

Committee and LES

I just spoke with Linda in the GA office. Poor, Patient, Over-worked woman is probably really looking forward to July. :)

I have been assigned to Committee #8 - Mission Coordination. More on that when I've read the overtures and know what I'm talking about. ;)

As for the LES system... this is an online system that has all the business of the GA online. And will be updated almost real-time during the GA with minutes from the committee meetings and plenary sessions. So, check it out if you'd like to know about the business items. I think it would be a good idea for everyone to follow the work of the GA this way. So, here is LES... and there is a new link over there ------------>

Monday, May 22, 2006

Another update

For anyone keeping track, I've finally gotten my hotel assignment: Four Points by Sheraton near the Birmingham airport.

I got my roomie's name as well - but have no way to contact her. Bummer.

I'm exhausted from preaching this past weekend and then working 14 hours today... so I'm off to bed.

More info as it comes. Maybe tomorrow I'll post about the LES system... :)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Travel plans

It has been a bit of a hassle to get my flights arranged, but I have finally managed it. The GA Office had not provided the travel agent with my name as an approved TSAD - so they were unable to book my flights. Late yesterday, I finally managed to speak with someone at the GA Office and was assured that my name would be transmitted within a few hours. I decided to give them more time and waited until this morning to make the call.

Lisa, the woman at Travel Authority with whom I spoke, was incredibly friendly. We had spoken once or twice in the ongoing saga of getting my name on the list. Within 10 minutes, I had my flights planned.

I made a last minute decision about my trip. I extended my stay in Birmingham until the Sunday after GA. Knowing myself, if I were to return to Pasadena immediately following the meetings, I would not have a chance to relax and take a deep breath. Since I've never been to Birmingham, I'd like to stay and see a little bit. Or just relax at a hotel. We'll see.

Wednesday 14 June 2006
7.05a - 12.05pm, 2.10pm - 3.49pm

Sunday 25 June 2006
4.34p - 6.30p, 8.15p - 9.22p

That's my plan. :)
Still no paperwork from the GA Office, so I don't know my committee or my hotel yet.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My schedule for GA

It is subject to change, of course, but it will give you an idea of what it's going to be like.

If you want to actually read what it says, click on the pic. It's big enough to read.
If you want to actually download the excel file to study it (why would anyone want to do that??) - it's available here.

Monday, May 08, 2006

My email to family and friends back home, etc

Friends, Family, Professors, Pastors... all the important people in my life.

First of all, thank you all for being supportive of my time here. I owe you all a huge update letter.

For now, I wanted to spread the news and ask you to be praying!

I've been nominated (and finally approved this past Friday) to attend the Presbyterian Church General Assembly in June. For those of you who are unaware of what this is, the best quick analogy I've found is this: Consider it a joint meeting of the US House and Senate that happens only once every 2 years for a single week. All the business of our denomination will happen there.

And this year looks to be a big year. We will be discussing and debating and voting on some major legislation that will potentially have a huge effect on our denomination.

I will be attending as a TSAD (Theological Student Advisory Delegate) and will have full voting rights on a committee (which hasn't been assigned yet) and an advisory vote in the general sessions. The advisory votes come from 2 groups (Youth and Theological Students) and are tallied before the official vote. While our votes will not count in the official results, they are posted for the 'official voters' to see before they cast their votes. This is to provide the commissioners the opportunity to see how the future members and leaders of our denomination are feeling on these matters.

In order to keep track of my adventure, I have started another blog (I know - I already have several!) that should be helpful for myself and you to keep up with the events. I will have my laptop at GA (a requirement, actually) and hope to update at least once a day while I'm there. Until I go, I will put updates and interesting reading on there.

Also, I'm attaching my schedule that I just worked out - so you can begin to see what that week will be like. Enjoy! :)

Thanks again for your friendship and support. I covet your prayers - for myself and for our denomination as a whole.


Friday, May 05, 2006

It's official!

I got a call today. My application to be a TSAD was approved!! So, I will be attending the PC(USA) GA as a TSAD. I'll explain all of this in the next post, probably on Sunday evening.