Friends, Family, Professors, Pastors... all the important people in my life.
First of all, thank you all for being supportive of my time here. I owe you all a huge update letter.
For now, I wanted to spread the news and ask you to be praying!
I've been nominated (and finally approved this past Friday) to attend the Presbyterian Church General Assembly in June. For those of you who are unaware of what this is, the best quick analogy I've found is this: Consider it a joint meeting of the US House and Senate that happens only once every 2 years for a single week. All the business of our denomination will happen there.
And this year looks to be a big year. We will be discussing and debating and voting on some major legislation that will potentially have a huge effect on our denomination.
I will be attending as a TSAD (Theological Student Advisory Delegate) and will have full voting rights on a committee (which hasn't been assigned yet) and an advisory vote in the general sessions. The advisory votes come from 2 groups (Youth and Theological Students) and are tallied before the official vote. While our votes will not count in the official results, they are posted for the 'official voters' to see before they cast their votes. This is to provide the commissioners the opportunity to see how the future members and leaders of our denomination are feeling on these matters.
In order to keep track of my adventure, I have started another blog (I know - I already have several!) that should be helpful for myself and you to keep up with the events. I will have my laptop at GA (a requirement, actually) and hope to update at least once a day while I'm there. Until I go, I will put updates and interesting reading on there.
Also, I'm attaching my schedule that I just worked out - so you can begin to see what that week will be like. Enjoy! :)
Thanks again for your friendship and support. I covet your prayers - for myself and for our denomination as a whole.